but that's not all. After finding out that the buses would go only as far as Revelstoke, a town few hours away from Banff, we made an immense effort to find and book accomodation there. We were hopeful oncemore. Hopeful, only for our dreams to be crushed by the cruelest hand of god yet again. As a few hours short of leaving it was announced that now the road to Revelstoke was also closed off for the night.
Third time lucky I say. I'm going to get out of Vancouver tonight, and I don't care how.
Frustrated (but still positive),
Man, that sucks.
That would be pissing me riiiight off. Hope it comes good for you today (/yesterday?/whatever...).
Poor things
Gayness in the anus indeed! You'll get there eventually boys keep on keepin' on!
hey man
vancouver is awesome, went there a while ago but i still remember it :)
it's like 30 mins from one side to the other ahhah =) but i didn't go in winter... i remember an aberdeen centre and a parker place?
What the.. eric reads your blog?
lol that really sucks! but the place doesnt look that bad... could be worse
lol, you guys have SOOO much stuff with you
why is everyone being so sympathetic??!
whinge whinge...
a bit of cement is what you all need.
the trip is meant to be hideous and frustrating, that's what makes it funny when you get home!
well its funny for me anyway! i mean otherwise all you would have to write would be
"today we went to the bus station and went to banff."
anyway hope you're having an awesome time!
ps. houseboats rocked.
hahaha, i got bored, is that illegal? :(
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