Banff downtown.
Random house with random scary red light.
Lights at the bottom of Tunnel Mountain. I've lost count of how many times I've walked up and down this little mountain.
Tunnel Mountain continued...
Ground-lamp thingy surrounded by snow.
As a side note (mainly so that I don't forget) this was on the same night as staff-only, midnight viewing session of Cloverfield, just another perks of working at the cinema! By the way, not to spoil the movie or anything but Dumbledore dies.
Spot-the-campbell game.
A cool shot of Cam, who accompanied me on my night-shooting expedition.
I'm going to do this again on a clear night.
After work today, Josh pointed out how we seemed to have adpated completely to our Banff lifestyle. We've gotten into a comfortable living pattern of waking up, skiing and going to work on days we have work. Which is good in many ways, but I'd better make sure not to let my remaining days in Canada fly by aimlessly.
Some ripper photos there matey. The ones of Tunnel Mountain and spot the Campbell (a favourite game of mine) are ace.
I like the shot of the town in snow. Spot the Campbell not so much.
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